Someone once told me that it's okay to be myself, it's okay if people judged me wrong. He made me feel secure, he never let me down, he cared too much about me, made me feel loved" Truly Loved". He taught me that it's never too late for anything, told me that chances are non-countable and that I can do whatever the fuck I want. I believe you made me stronger,stunning and happier. I believe you belong somewhere away from here,too far from the people in our world too close to the stars.
You shine, I shine.You break down, I'm here to show you how to stand up again. Maybe I'm good at nothing, but I truly love my friends from the bottom of my heart. I do care about you despite not knowing how to show it. I just wanna tell you that: "There is nothing in the world that can trouble you as much as your own thoughts, by Natasha Noelng".


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