My better half

Cause you're my compass and my favorite person alive. Cause you always care and you're always here. Cause you've never made me question your love to me and you always make me feel special. Cause you're too good to be true and you're so close to perfect no you're perfect. And again cause you care. Cause you believe in me and I know you do. Cause you have a heart that knows how to love, that pure heart of you is always a mystery. Cause you're honest and it's rare. I love you :')
This is a post of appreciation of the person you are today and an appreciation of your existence in my life. I thank you everyday and I need you to know that I'll stay, shoulder to shoulder, next to you, always. And because I'm brutally honest you have to be sure that each word I write about you comes from the heart nowhere else. Happy birthday lavlav and may you always be the better part of myself that leads me somewhere prettier. To sum up ya Maruma, I know you'll walk in even if the whole world walks out and I'll do too.


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